Fall Baseball Q & A

Fall Baseball and T-ball 2024

Tee Ball/ Age 3-4 

Division Details: Fall Tee ball is non-competitive and for 3 to 4-year-olds. It focuses on teaching basic skills to players. Players must be 3 years old by September 7th, 2024 and cannot turn 5 years old prior to May 2nd, 2025. 

Players will be placed in baseball positions to teach an understanding of the position and will be rotated throughout the game. Each inning the entire roster will bat. The coach will offer two pitches to players deemed capable of hitting a tossed ball. If the ball is not put into play, the Tee will be used. There are no outs or scores kept in tee ball. 

Schedule: There is one practice a week that takes place at the park by city hall. Two teams may share the park at the same time. Games take place on Saturdays and are 45 minutes in length. 

Equipment: Each player is provided with a uniform with a number and a hat. The player is responsible for pants, socks, and belt. (The coach will provide details on uniforms). Each player will need a baseball glove, baseball bat with a USA stamp, and batting helmet with approved cheek guard. Tennis shoes may be worn. Baseball cleats are recommended, metal spikes are not permitted. 

6u Machine Pitch/ Age 5 and 6 

Division Details:  Fall season 6u is non-competitive and mainly for 5 to 6-year-olds. However, 4 years olds may play up if physically and maturely capable. It focuses on teaching basic skills to players and introduces machine pitch to the kids. The focus in 6u to bridge the gap between hitting off a tee and hitting off a pitcher. There are no scores or standings kept during the fall season. We use JYSA supplemental rules that prioritize development. 

Team Placement:  At JYSA, we strive to provide balanced play for all teams. To do that, we run a player assessment that all players must attend. Players will be assigned a team based on that assessment. 

Schedule:  There are two practices a week during the first 8 weeks of the season that are an hour long. Two teams may share the field at the same time. Games take place on Saturdays and are 60 minutes in length. Games will be played in Justin and may be played in the surrounding cities. 

Equipment:  Each player is provided with a uniform with a number and a hat. The player is responsible for pants, socks, and belt. (The coach will provide details on uniforms). Each player will need a baseball glove, baseball bat with a USA stamp, and batting helmet with approved cheek guard. Tennis shoes may be worn. Baseball cleats are recommended, metal spikes are not permitted. Male players must wear a cup. 


Division Details:  8u consists mainly of 7 to 8-year-olds, but open to 6 year-olds that have the ability to play up. This division continues to focus on baseball fundamentals but introduces kid pitch. The mound used is a portable mound that is placed at 42 feet. The first half of the season is non-competitive. The second half of the season is competitive. We use JYSA supplemental rules that prioritize development. 

Modified kid pitch Pitchers will throw three pitches per at bat. If the batter has not struck out or put the ball in play then the coach will throw the next two pitches. 

Team Placement:  At JYSA, we strive to provide balanced play for all teams. To do that, we run a player assessment that all players must attend. Players will be selected by coaches based upon this assessment. 

Schedule:  There are two practices a week during the non-competitive portion of the season and are one hour long. Two teams may share the field at the same time. Games take place on Saturdays only, during the first half of the season. During the competitive portion of the season there will be a weekday game. These games will start at 6pm for the early game and 745pm for the late game. Games are 75 minutes in length. Games will be played in Justin and may be played in the surrounding cities. 

Equipment:  Each player is provided with a uniform with a number and a hat. The player is responsible for pants, socks, and belt. (The coach will provide details on uniforms). Each player will need a baseball glove, baseball bat with a USA stamp, and batting helmet with approved cheek guard. Tennis shoes may be worn. Baseball cleats are recommended, metal spikes are not permitted. Male players must wear a cup. 


Division Details:  10u consists mainly of 9 and 10 year olds but is open to 8 years that have the ability to play up. 10u continues to focus on baseball fundamentals and is 100% kid pitch. The mound is 46 feet from home plate bases are set at 65 feet. The first half of the season is non-competitive with modified rules. The second half of the season is competitive without modifications. 10u uses USSSA to govern rules of play along with JYSA supplemental rules that prioritize development. 

Team Placement:  At JYSA, we strive to provide balanced play for all teams. To do that, we run a player assessment that all players must attend. Players will be selected by coaches based upon this assessment. 

Schedule:  There are two practices a week during the non-competitive portion of the season and are one hour long. Two teams may share the field at the same time. Games take place on Saturdays and are 90 minutes in length. During the competitive portion of the season there will be a weekday game. These games will start at 6pm for the early game and 745pm for the late game. Games will be played in Justin and may be played in the surrounding cities. 

Equipment:  Each player is provided with a uniform with a number and a hat. The player is responsible for pants, socks, and belt. (The coach will provide details on uniforms). Each player will need a baseball glove, baseball bat with a USA or USSSA stamp, and batting helmet with approved cheek guard. Baseball cleats are recommended, metal spikes are not permitted. Male players must wear a cup. 


Division Details:  12u consists mainly of 11 and 12 year olds but is open to 10 years that have the ability to play up. 12u continues to focus on baseball fundamentals and is 100% kid pitch. The mound is 50 feet from home plate, bases are set at 70 feet. The first half of the season is competitive but with modified rules. The second half of the season is competitive without modifications. 12u uses USSSA to govern rules of play along with JYSA supplemental rules that prioritize development. 

Team Placement:  At JYSA, we strive to provide balanced play for all teams. To do that, we run a player assessment that all players must attend. Players will be selected by coaches based upon this assessment. 

Schedule:  There are two practices a week during the first half of the season and will be one hour long. Games take place on Saturdays and are 90 minutes in length. During the second half of the season there will be a weekday game. These games will start at 6pm for the early game and 745pm for the late game. Games will be played in Justin and in surrounding cities. 

Equipment:  Each player is provided with a uniform with a number and a hat. The player is responsible for pants, socks, and belt. (The coach will provide details on uniforms). Each player will need a baseball glove, baseball bat with a USA or USSSA stamp, and batting helmet with approved cheek guard. Baseball cleats are recommended, metal spikes are not permitted. Male players must wear a cup. 


Division Details:  14u consists mainly of 13 and 14 year olds but is open to 12 years that have the ability to play up. 14u uses a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Modified diamond dimensions may be used during the season. The first half of the season is competitive but with modified rules. The second half of the season is competitive without modifications. 14u uses USSSA to govern rules of play along with JYSA supplemental rules that prioritize development. 

Team Placement:  At JYSA, we strive to provide balanced play for all teams. To do that, we run a player assessment that all players must attend. Players will be selected by coaches based upon this assessment. 

Schedule:  There are two practices a week during the first half of the season and will be one hour long. Games take place on Saturdays and are 105 minutes in length. During the second half of the season there will be a weekday game. These games will start at 6pm for the early game and 745pm for the late game. Games will be played in Justin and in surrounding cities. 

Equipment:  Each player is provided with a uniform with a number and a hat. The player is responsible for pants, socks, and belt. (The coach will provide details on uniforms). Each player will need a baseball glove, baseball bat with a USA or USSSA stamp, and batting helmet with approved cheek guard. Baseball cleats are recommended, metal spikes are not permitted. Male players must wear a cup.